Saturday, May 22, 2010

Female Celebrities Muscle Heads

Celebrity Muscle
God I hate these women
Perhaps the easiest tool in all of photoshop is the bloating tool.  It’s used to make two things I love seeing morphed on the human body.  The first is seeing what it looks like to give women bigger boobs.  Anyone who hasn’t used it for this purpose is obviously a liar.  The second use is making people fatter or skinnier or having muscles.
And of course it’s always more fun when you are using a celebrity.   A while back the folks at Worth 1000 put together a celebrity muscle contest to see what it’d look like if some celebrities got ‘roided up.
While most entries sucked there were ten that I thought were pretty decent.  Here they are with new “appropriate” names.

 Tiger Guns
Celebrity Muscle
Respect the Rodney
Celebrity Muscle
Jim Almighty
Celebrity Muscle
Charlize Thor-One
Celebrity Muscle
Keira Abley
Celebrity Muscle
Angelina Roidly
Celebrity Muscle
Gisele Gunschens
Celebrity Muscle
Cameron Diflex
Celebrity Muscle
Clint Horrible Photoshop
Celebrity Muscle
Amy Winehouse
Celebrity Muscle